In what likely the first of many to come, a case for the iPad 2 has appeared online and shows a space for a rear facing camera.
Dubbed the "Crystal Case for iPad 2nd Generation," the case appears to have different, slimmer contours than the first-generation model, with the speaker opening unusually large on the back, and a hole for a rear-facing camera in the upper left-hand corner, similar to its position on the iPhone and fourth-generation iPod touch.
Apple is expected to launch a new version of its tablet as early as February.
*thanks iclarified*
Ok I might be wrong but these Chinese companies making these cases have no clue what is going on, they are running on rumors and guesses! Case in point this case that was to be the supposed iPod touch 3rd generation and yet nothing came of it, an to make it worse they where totally wrong on the camera placement!
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