Friday, December 10, 2010

Costco Officially Confirms They Have Ended Their Relationship With Apple

Costco has officially confirmed that they have ended their relationship with Apple, according to the Seattle Times. This comes after Apple snubbed the retailer and allowed nearly all of its competing to carry the iPad.

The chain is phasing out Apple products, per a mutual agreement between the companies, Galanti told The Seattle Times. Costco had sold iPods and pre-loaded iTunes cards for years, although never at huge discounts; and Apple never allowed Costco to sell its products online like other retailers, he said. "In the past couple months, we agreed to wind down."

Apple spokeswoman Amy Bessette said the company has no comment.

*thanks iclarified*

Ok idk what costco is betting on, stoping sales of big brand names (coca cola, and apple) and many others that we don't know of. Sooner or later every company will do something to tick off costco and what will they be left selling? Generic brand items that no one wants?? Come on be more realistic, this is a big company acting like a three year old!

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