Saturday, July 24, 2010

Papers adds PDF Highlighting and Notetaking

Mekentosj has announced a brand new version of Papers for iOS, a PDF library app for anyone doing research. The new release adds iBooks-like highlighting and note taking functionality for PDFs on the iPad, as well as support for fast user switching and the high resolution retina display of the iPhone4.

In the 3 months since its release thousands of researchers have embraced Papers for iPad as their favorite way to read their PDFs and research articles. One thing was clear however, their number one request was the ability to highlight or copy text passages and leave notes on PDFs. With today's new release that is now possible. Highlighting and note taking with Papers for iPad is simple and intuitive; what iBooks allows you to do on eBooks, Papers allows you to do with PDF. It makes reading an even better experience on the iPad.

Simply tap and drag to select a piece of text and tap highlight or copy, that is all there is to it. Highlighting can be very accurate thanks to a loupe that pops up while you select text, and Papers for iPad deals with multi-column PDFs too.

In addition, with Papers for iPad you can capture all the ideas, comments and thought you have while reading your PDFs. Tap and hold anywhere on the page and a sticky-note pops up on which you can type away. A red pin will help you quickly locate where you left your notes, almost like Google Maps for your Papers!

But also for iPhone owners there's exciting news, Papers is now fully optimized for iOS4. It supports fast application switching, as well as the razor sharp retina display of the iPhone4. PDFs never looked this good.

"A couple of years ago, a Mac OS X application came along and blew my socks off. Now, the company behind Papers, Mekentosj, has done it again, this time by bringing its killer app to the iPhone in a timely manner. It doesn't disappoint." - Ars technica

"When I found Papers on the app store, I realized that I had found a solution that was not only easier, but helped me conduct research in ways I didn't even know I needed with a mobile device." - WhatsoniPhone

iTunes Rewind 2009 | Ranked among the top 30 Best Apps of the Year 2009 in the UK iTunes store.

Pricing and Availability:
Papers 1.8 for iOS is available for $14.99 (USD) in the iTunes app store. Review copies are available. If you are interested in trying Papers for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch and are a member of the press or would like to cover it on your website or blog, please contact us by email for a free copy. A press kit with high resolution images available on request.

*thanks iclarified*

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- Posted using my iPhone 4

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